Keeping the Community’s Children Safe and in a Healthy Environment
Grupo Folklorico Nuevo Amanecer (GFNA) is organized and directed by Audelina Dominguez and taught by Julieta Vasquez. GFNA was founded in 2016, their initial goal is to keep children in their community safe and in a healthy environment.
That being said, Grupo Folklorico Nuevo Amanecer is a non-profit organization located in Lake Forest, Ca. With few funds that are received, they are able to provide their dancers with a place to practice. Members of Nuevo Amanecer are kids and teens who love to dance and enjoy learning about their cultures and traditions.

Owners of Ricardo’s Place in San Juan Capistrano, Rosa and Ricardo Beas have proudly sponsored the group over the years. Grupo Folklorico Nuevo Amanecer has participated at various events around Orange County, including the recent July 4th Parade in Lake Forest.

We are so thankful for the opportunities that they have offered GFNA of Lake Forest, Ca. Although Audelina Dominguez is from Guatemala, Julieta Vasquez and her two sisters, born in California, they are proud to say they are able to continue the Mexican Culture.

Grupo Folklorico Nuevo Amanecer offers classes Mondays and Thursdays and is currently located in Lake Forest. Each class offered is filled with love and laughter from kids of ages of 5 and over. Every month GFNA has about three performances throughout their community where their members can show off their dancing skills learnt during each practice.